Fallout 3: operation Ancorage (2009) Super Compressed(375 mb)
The Brotherhood Outcasts are trying to acquire advanced
military technology, and the only way to open the vault
containing these relics is by completing a tactical simulation
only you can enter. In Operation: Anchorage you will re-live
the epic Battle of Anchorage from Fallout lore. Find your way
into the simulation, stripped of resources, and survive within
the rules set up by the simulations creators. The Chinese red
army is everywhere, so secure the surrounding mountain side
and fight your way into the Chinese base.
Enter a top-secret battle simulator which allows you to test
and use both new and old weaponry, with nearly unlimited
amounts of ammo at your disposal!
Adds hours of extended gameplay to explore the Alaskan tundra
with a new or existing character.
Gain access to new weapons, exotic armor, and itemseven a
Chinese Stealth Suit!
Chose your strike team to help you through your quest.
Exclusive new perks and achievements!
Install Notes:
1. Unpack release
2. Mount image or burn it
3. Install Fallout 3, if you haven't aleady
4. Make sure you've installed the latest v1.1 patch
5. Run Operation Anchorage installer & choose your Fallout 3
main game directory.
6. After the installation, open Fallout 3 Launcher.
7. Go to Data Files option, mark Anchorage.esm with a tick &
click OK.
8. Start Fallout 3 & load your game.
9. After ~10 minutes of gameplay you should get a distress
call from the Brotherhood - that means Operation Anchorage was
activated & you can start playing it.
10. ENJOY scramming Chinese out of Alaska :]
NOTE: The installer uses maximum compression so it may look
like frozen when infact it's working - patience needed!
Download Links :
Click Here To Download
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