Ozonation - An Environmentally Benign Technology For Textile Process
Abstract: Till recently, the processing cost of a textile industry did not address the cost of wastewater treatment and disposal costs. Driven by recent legislative attempts and overseas competition to establish effluent standards for color in textile effluents, the Indian textile industry is currently facing significant challenges in this accord. Previously the industries have been focusing only on improving and increasing the processing capacities of the plant through advanced machineries. Today, the situation is different. The declining quality of ground water and stringent legislation on waste disposal, increased awareness among the public on the impacts of indiscriminate disposal of liquid and solid wastes and the environment, has been forcing the industries to look for alternate, but, effective technologies which would result in less water consumption and less waste water generation. In this context ozone application in textile industry has gained much attention through out last decade attributing to its high potential in color removal at low specific dosage and at low specific optimum cost. This paper highlights the need for ozone technology to convert the challenges into opportunities, so as to enable the processing units to become profitable and competitive, without deteriorating the quality of our environment.
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