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How to Transfer your Facebook photos to Google Plus

So Guys how is your big switch to Google plus network, I feel other then some minor glitches Google Plus is a big winner. Google has changed few other services with the launch of Google Plus, One major change was with =Google’s photo storing service ‘Picasa’. Going forward Picasa will offers unlimited free storage for photos and videos (under 15 minutes). The difference is that Google+ users can upload higher resolution photos to only Picasa users. I am sure now you are thinking how to get your photos from facebook, do you want to download one photo at a time from Facebook and then upload it to Google+.

No there is a much better solution, Pick&Zip is a totally free backup online tool that will allow you downloading photos from Facebook in a single zip file. to get your your photos from facebook head over to and click the button which says ‘login with facebook’.

Once you click the login button, it will ask you to Authorize the application by clicking the Allow button,
After clicking Allow, You will will get an option of selecting the photos you need from Facebook,
  • You can choose the photos you have been tagged.
  • Photos from groups and fan pages If you are the admin.
  • Your entire Facebook album which also includes pictures posted on the wall and your profile pictures.
  • You can even choose the photos of your friends and their album (not advisable to take without permission).
  • The photos are downloadable as HD .
If you have huge collection of photos and no time in selecting them, its advisable to click the download tab and choose the second option download all photos which includes your Facebook albums and the photos you are tagged, and choose the output file as .zip file. The average time it took was 15 minutes for a 1000 photos on decent broadband connection.

Once you have downloaded the zip file with all the photos onto your computer. it’s time to upload the photos to Google plus, unzip the files .

Click on photos tab on your Google Plus Page and you can either drag and drop or upload from computer, its better to choose the second option as the photos are very large in number. And Viola you are done now you can share your unlimited photos on Google Plus with your Google Plus Circles or individual friends and family members

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