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FriendShip SMS Collection

The mind 2 friends are like the lines of railway track. They never meet but has go together to save the derailment of the Train called Friendship.

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him

Hold a true friend with both your hands, don't let go 4 true friend comes once in a lifetime. That's why i'm holding you tight! Cant let U go

Diffrnc btween Love & Frinship... "U give ur whole heart to ur lov & they BREAK it..." But "u give ur broken heart to a friend & they MAKE it..." Thats Frnship

Friendship is needless, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.

Keep me as a friend I will keep in my heart lock it up & throw the key that no one take you away from me

In life when you get troubles, don't get nervous... Just close ur eyes and follow ur heart coz heart may be in left but it is always right

A lucky star dropped on the Earth 1 night it asked me what did i want a million dollars or a true friend i choose a million dollars becoz i already have U

the recipe of friendship 1 cup of sharing 2 cups of caring 3 cups of 4giveness mix all of these 2gether to make friends 4ever

In The Flower My Rose Is You, In The Diamond My Kohinoor Is You, In The Sky My Moon Is You, I'm Only Body My Heart Is You, That's Why I Always MISS YOU

To forget you is hard to do and to forget me is up to you. Forget me not, forget me never. Forget this text, but not the sender.

Never say gud bye 2 sum1 who luv u.. Never say thanx who really need u.. Never blame a person who really trust u.. Never 4get a person who think u as LIFE..

You cannot buy friendship, you can earn it. If someone comes for help, be a true friend !

For me U r as... Chees 4 pizza.. passport 4 visa... butter 4 bread.. ice 4 freezer.. cream 4 cake... water 4 lake.. leaf 4 .. a FRIEND like u is 4 ever 4 me..!!

If i get ur Smile, I dont need Flowers,If i get ur Voice, I dont need Music, If u speack to me, I dont need anybody else,U just b my Friend, I dont need the world!

keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love, bcoz sun rise in east and sets in west but friendship rises in HEART and sets after DEATH!

Few realation in Earth Never Die. Want to know What is it ? Read again.. (F) Few ® Realation (I) In (E) Earth (N) Never (D) Die

Have a "HEART" that never , Have a"SMILE" that never fades, HAve a touch that never Hurt$, Have a "FRIENDSHIP" that naver ends , Like Ours!

True friendship never fades with Time, become more tasteful like old Wine), only a friend can understand words and convert the rolling tears into a Smile!


MY friendship is just like a rubber band, It is too flexible, Stretch it as much as u can, but if u leave it,it 'll hurt u a lot, really a lot!

Freindship happens inside the heart, Slient.. Unwritten.. Unnbreakable by distance..Unchangeable by time.. Once a Friend, always a Freind.!

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