Nanotechnology – A Revolution In The Making
Abstract: This paper mainly includes the nuances of nanotechnology and how it is going to be a break through in all the technologies like DNA, RNA, scientific instruments etc... Specifically we have concentrated on the application of nanotechnology in IT field in the DESIGN OF SILICON CHIP and FEW NOTES ON ELECTRICAL AND SOFT NANOTECHNOLOGIES.
There is a growing sense in the scientific and technical community that we are about to enter a golden new era. We are about to be able to build things that work on the smallest possible length scales, atom by atom with the ultimate level of finesse, which is the concept of nanotechnology.
An initiative, “Nanotechnology for the Twenty-First Century: Leading to a New Industrial Revolution”. The initiative will support long term nanotechnology research and development, which will lead to breakthroughs in information technology, advanced manufacturing, medicine and health, environment and energy, and national security. The impact of nanotechnology on the health, wealth and lives of people will be at least the equivalent to the combined influences of microelectronics, medical imaging, computer-aided engineering and man-made polymers developed in this century.
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