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Semantic Web

Abstract: The problem with majority of data on the web is that it is difficult to use on a large scale, because there is no global system for publishing data in such a way as it can be easily processed by anyone. Everyone using the WWW has the problem that who can you trust to send you e-mails; how can I know sure if a transaction really occurred. So the semantic web can be seen as a huge engineering solution… but it is more than that.

The Semantic Web is a mesh of information linked up in such a way as to be easily procesable by machines, on a global scale. The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C. The Semantic Web is about common formats for integration and combination of data drawn from diverse sources, where the original Web mainly concentrates on the interchange of documents.

The Semantic Web approach instead develops languages for expressing information in a machine processable form. This development of Semantic Web is occurring in at least two areas: from the infrastructural, all-embracing, position as espoused by the W3C/MIT and other academically-focused organizations.

Our paper describes the details of Semantic Web and its need, ontologies, OWL, semantic web services and its applications- mainly FOAF which provides template for metadata about the people and their interests. However Semantic Web technologies are still very much in their infancies, and the future of the project in general appears to be bright.

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